Make your dreams come true
Provide excellent platform
Terms of Use

EFM Group LLC (collectively and individually "EFM Group" or "We" or "Our") maintains and provides users the ability to access the website (the "Site") subject to these Terms of Use (the "Terms" or the "Agreement") as well as all other policies, including without limitation EFM Group’ Privacy Policy, all of which may be amended from time to time and are incorporated herein by reference. As used herein, "You" (and all derivations thereof) shall mean the person(s) and entity (ies) accessing the Site and all those accessing the site on Your behalf.

Acceptance of Terms. You accept these Terms by accessing or using the Site in any manner, even if you do not create an account and this includes, without limitation, when You complete or download an application, login to the Site or otherwise visit the Site. These Terms will be updated from time to time and Your continued use of the Site and/or any our services signifies Your continued acceptance of the Terms including updates. If, at any time, you wish to discontinue use of the Site, please contact Us as stated herein.

From time to time, when accessing the Site, you may utilize services offered through third party service providers who are not affiliated with or under the control or direction of EFM Group ("Third Party Providers"). When using and/or opting in to services offered through Third Party Providers, you are subject to terms and conditions as provided by such Third Party Providers. EFM Group IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR THIRD PARTY PROVIDERS. For an explanation of EFM Group' practices and policies related to the collection, use and storage of our Your information, please read our Privacy Policy.

About Our Services EFM Group Services. EFM Group provides recruiting and related services for both clients and candidates who utilize the Site. EFM Group provides to its candidates and potential candidates certain tools and resources related to job search capabilities, profile management and applications to jobs through Our website-based service (the "Candidate Services"). For clients and potential clients, the Site provides information about Our services, authorizes us to contact clients and potential clients and a fee is only charged upon mutual agreement or as stated in an agreement ("Client Services") (Candidate Services and Client Services are referred to, collectively, as "Services"). At any time a candidate may request, in writing, to be provided with any and all information we provide to third parties. Changes and Discontinuation. EFM Group reserves the right to change, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Services at any time without notice. YOU HEREBY AGREE THAT WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THRID PARTY FOR ANY CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR DISCONTINUANCE OF THE SERVICES.

General Terms Usage Rules

  • You must be 18 years or older to use the Service.
  • You must be a human. Accounts registered by “bots” or other automated methods are not permitted.
  • In order to access certain portions or features of the Service, we may require that you register with us and establish an account. You will not use the account of another person without permission. When you create an account, you agree to provide accurate and complete information. You are solely responsible for any activity on your account and for maintaining security of your password. You will notify us immediately after you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account. We will have no responsibility for any loss or expense you incur by reason of the use of your account, whether authorized or unauthorized, and you agree to hold us harmless for any expenses or losses we may incur by reason of the use of your account.
  • Your use of the Service is at your sole risk. The Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. The information and features on the Service only indicate potential job postings or candidate availability and do not constitute binding offers of employment and no guarantees are made that they are currently available. Creative Circle does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or authenticity of information included on the Service. Creative Circle is under no obligation to use or distribute any information and/or material available from the Service. Creative Circle reserves the right, without prior notice, to remove or alter positions at any time without liability.
  • You may use personal information available on this Site only if you are an authorized user and only for the purposes for which it was provided, including job placement and similar, employment-related purposes. If you refer a friend or colleague to the Service by providing their contact information, you represent that you have their permission to do so. If you do not have their permission to share their contact information, then please do not refer your friend or colleague to the Service. Any use of personal information obtained from the Service by any user must be consistent with these purposes, with the Privacy Policy posted on the Website, and with any other privacy promises made by Creative Circle on the Service.
  • Your use of the Service is limited to your personal, non-commercial use. You may not copy or download any part of the Service. Your use of these features is limited to your personal, non-commercial use, and you may not otherwise copy or distribute any portion of the Website or the Content or otherwise use any portion of the Website or the Content for any other purposes.
  • You will not attempt to alter or modify any part of the Website or Content or use the Website or Content for any purpose other than its intended purpose, and subject to these Terms of Use.
  • You will not attempt to collect or harvest any personally identifiable information, including account names of other users of the Service. You will not solicit any users of the Service for any purpose. You will not use the Service to communicate with other users or for any purpose.
  • You will not use the Service in any way that may damage, disable, overburden, or impair our servers or networks or interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the Service. You will not try to gain unauthorized access to any services, user accounts, computer systems or networks, through hacking, password mining or any other means.
  • Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features that augment or enhance the current Service, including any new Service, shall be subject to these Terms of Use.
  • We may, but have no obligation to, remove any information or content provided by you (“Your Content”) that we determine in our sole discretion is unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or otherwise objectionable or violates any party’s intellectual property or these Terms of Use. You agree not to post any such content or information on the Service.
  • Verbal, written or other abuse (including threats of abuse or retribution) of any Creative Circle customer, employee, member, or personnel will result in immediate account termination.
  • You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Website, including Your Content, may be transferred unencrypted and involve transmissions over various networks and changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices, and you assume all associated risks
Provide Accurate Information You agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about Yourself. Please update Your data to keep it current and accurate. You may not upload information You know or should know or believe to be false or defamatory. You may not provide any information You are not authorized to provide. Guard Your Password. You may receive a password and account designation. While EFM Group maintains ownership of the Site and any and all content, You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account information and You are fully responsible for all activities that occur using your password or account. Please notify EFM Group immediately of any unauthorized use or disclosure of Your password or account information or any breach, actual or threatened, of security. You hereby acknowledge that the information available through EFM Group may include personally identifiable information and it is Your responsibility to keep all such information confidential and secure. Obey the Law. You represent and warrant that You will, at all times, adhere to all federal, state, local and municipal laws and ordinances. You agree not to use the Site or Services for unlawful or immoral purposes or for the transmission of material that is unlawful, harassing, immoral, false, fraudulent, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, abusive, threatening or obscene or otherwise tortious, or that infringes or threatens to infringe the copyrights or trademarks or other intellectual or personal property rights of others. Limits On Uses of User Information. By using the Site and Services, you agree not to data-scrape, copy, aggregate, redistribute, alter, reproduce or re-use any user’s information. This prohibition on use includes, without limitation, selling information to third parties, using the data collected to customize users’ experiences at a site or network outside of EFM Group, using information to compete with EFM Group, using the data for targeted marketing campaigns not affiliated with EFM Group or using the data to offer services to EFM Group users. Service Limitations. All information on the Site is "AS IS" and comes without any warranties and you acknowledge that EFM Group obtains data from third-party sources, which may or may not be thorough and accurate, and You shall hold harmless and indemnify EFM Group for any inaccuracy or incompleteness of information supplied through the Site. You agree to provide, at your own cost and expense, all equipment, software, mobile access and internet access necessary to use the Services.

Rights You Grant to EFM Group Distributing Content You Produce. You agree that, by providing information to EFM Group, you hereby grant to us a fully paid up, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, unlimited and assignable license to use any and all information as We see fit. EFM Group may modify, display, distribute and create new material using such content and source information as We see fit in our discretion. By submitting content, you agree that the owner of such content has expressly agreed that, without any particular time limit and without the payment of any fees, EFM Group may reproduce, display, utilize and distribute the content You may not submit materials that have been trademarked or copyrighted by anyone other than yourself.

We may engage third parties to perform analysis or data processing of our databases that involves access to this information in order to better provide You with the services for which you joined (in which case we will take commercially reasonable measures to ensure that such parties keep the information confidential.
Account Access. In order to ensure that EFM Group is able to provide high-quality services that are responsive to the user’s needs, you agree that all EFM Group employees and personnel have access to your account and records. Merger or Acquisition. In order to ensure a smooth transition of services relative to your subscription, in the event of a merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of all or substantially all of its assets, or the sale of an individual website owned by EFM Group, EFM Group may transfer your information, including personally identifiable information, to a third party as a part of such merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale.

Warranties, Limitation of Liability, Indemnification Disclaimer of Warranties. Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Services is done at your own discretion and risk and you will be solely responsible for any actual or potential damage to your computer systems or loss of data that results or may result from the download of any such material. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by You from EFM Group, our third-party service providers or through or from the Services will create any warranty not expressly stated in the terms.

EFM Group does not have any obligation to verify the identity of the persons or entities using its Services nor does it have any obligation to monitor the use of its Services by other users; therefore, EFM Group disclaims any and all liability for identity theft or any other misuse or misappropriation of your identity or information by others.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for certain damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations may not apply to You.
Limitation of Liability. You agree that EFM Group and its affiliates, including its parent company and affiliates and its/their employees, agents, officers, directors, officers, contractors, third party providers and representatives (collectively "EFM Group Parties") are not liable for any allegation, loss, damage, injury, death or claim resulting from or arising out of:

  • the use or the inability to use the Site or Services;
  • the ineffective operation of any of any of the Services offered;
  • the cost of getting substitute goods and services resulting from any products, data, information or services purchased or obtained or transactions entered into through or from the Site or Services;
  • the unauthorized access to or alteration of Your data;
  • any third-party statements or materials or any other conduct of anyone in connection with the Services or Site;
  • the acts, omissions, negligence or misconduct of the EFM Group Parties; and
  • any other matter relating to the Sites or Services. In no event shall EFM Group Parties be liable or responsible to you for any incidental, indirect, consequential, special or punitive damages, whether in contract, negligence, tort or otherwise, even if advised of the possible of such. YOU HEREBY AGREE THAT WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY LOSS OF REVENUE, PROFITS, OR DATA ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SERVICE, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. FURTHER, OUR AGGREGATE LIABILITY ARISING WITH RESPECT TO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE SERVICE WILL NOT EXCEED THE TOTAL FEES PAID BY YOU UNDER THIS AGREEMENT.
Indemnification. You agree to protect, indemnify and fully indemnify and hold harmless the EFM Group Parties from any and all claims, loss, injury, death, allegations, liability, damages, expenses and costs (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees) whether or not same are initiated by a third party, arising out of or resulting from
  • your failure to comply with any term of this Agreement, including, without limitation, your submission of content that violates third party rights or applicable laws;
  • any content you submit to the Site or Services;
  • any and all acts, omissions, negligence or misconduct on your part or on the part of anyone acting on your behalf or through your authority;
  • your infringement of any intellectual property right or other right of anyone; and
  • any other harm, injury, death, allegation, claim, cost, expense or loss caused to EFM Group Parties a result of your use of the Services or Site.
EFM Group’ rights under this Agreement may not be waived unless EFM Group agrees to such in writing. This Agreement is personal to you and you may assign or transfer this agreement only with EFM Group’ prior written approval. Any other attempt to assign, transfer or delegate this Agreement shall be null and void.
Choice of Law.This Agreement and all matters relating to your access to, or use of, the Services or Site shall be governed by the laws of the UAE. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it is, to that extent, deemed omitted, and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect. This agreement is the entire understanding between you and EFM Group about the services.

All of EFM Group’ rights and obligations under this Agreement are freely assignable and transferrable by EFM Group in connection with a merger, acquisition or sale of assets or by operation of law or otherwise.
Copyrights.All content and functionality on the Site, including text, graphics, logos, icons and images and the selection and arrangement thereof is the exclusive property of EFM Group. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Trademarks. The trademarks, service marks, designs and logos (collectively, the "Trademarks") displayed on the Site are the registered and unregistered Trademarks of EFM Group and its licensors. You agree that you will not refer to or attribute any information to EFM Group or its licensors in any public medium (e.g., press release, web sites), for advertising or promotion purposes, or for the purpose of informing or influencing any third party and that you will not use or reproduce any Trademark of or imply any endorsement by or relationship with EFM Group or its licensors. Third Party Web Sites.We may provide links to third-party web sites, and some of the content appearing to be on this Site is in fact supplied by third parties, for example, in instances of framing of third party web sites or incorporation through framesets of content supplied by third-party servers. EFM Group has no responsibility for these third party web sites, which are governed by the Terms of Use and privacy policy, if any, of the applicable third-party content provider. Entire Agreement.These Terms make up the entire agreement between you and EFM Group and supersedes any other agreements. No Waiver.If EFM Group fails to enforce any of these Terms, it will not be considered a waiver of these or any of the Terms.


Modifications This agreement is subject to change by EFM Group at any time. We may modify any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement at any time in our sole discretion. The updates and all changes will be posted at EFM If any modification is unacceptable to you, you agree that your only recourse is to terminate this Agreement. Your continued use of the Service following our posting of a change notice or new agreement on the Site will constitute your binding acceptance of the change.

Right to Investigate You understand and agree that EFM Group reserves the right to investigate any improper use of the website that we reasonably suspect to be in violation of the terms set forth in this agreement. Last Updated: DATEDirect Questions or Notices to:
Sharjah Media City, Sharjah - UAE
Or by email at